Gratitude for glances of Grace
As I reflect after embracing Kundalini Yoga and meditation and the teachings of Yogi Bhajan for the majority of my life of almost 70 years, I personally am grateful for all that he gave to me. His teachings and technology changed the course of many of our lives and continues to do so all around the world. It is helping save us from the insanity, meaninglessness and busyness of life today. It helped us heal and flourish and continues to do so, if we are diligent embracing it and are open to expanding our version of the ‘roadmap’.
I have further gratitude for having followed my interpretation of this ‘roadmap’ and becoming a Singh and a Khalsa (from the Sikh religion) in this life. I’m striving to embody the very highest values of a human, all arriving or have arrived through the grace of the One God. When there are billions who embrace their version of a noble, honorable, truthful, gracious, generous and just roadmap for All, then the universal forces behind all that is will continue to heal our humanity and we will become better custodians of this Mother Earth.