'SinghNaad TV and Radio' - Canada

Jot Singh being interviewed by Kanwaljeet Singh talking about his journey into Sikhi as a knife, sword and kirpan maker - November 2021

Artisan-Made Kirpans, Swords and Jewelry

The Finest Swords, Kirpans, Jewelry and Artful Objects at affordable prices! All available on this website!

Interview with Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh, from GNNSJ Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) - August 5, 2013 - Birmingham, UK

Devotional Business. A most respected colleague from Birmingham UK - I approached Bhai Sahib looking for ideas and support on how to grow our business back in the States. Some illuminating thoughts (below) are what ensued...

Interview on Sangat TV in Birmingham, UK with Kushdev Singh and Jot Singh - August 2015.

The finest quality Swords and Kirpans available - at affordable prices! After watching the video, click 'Artisan Kirpan' above to view all options for purchase, or click on 'Excellent Affordable Swords' above as well.


National Ornamental Metals Museum - Memphis, Tennessee USA - July 15 to Sept. 16, 2007.

Jot Singh's work was included in an exhibit entitled ' Modern Art Knives: Beyond the Samurai Sword ' which featured a select number of knife and swordmakers from around the world.

Royal Ontario Museum - Toronto, Canada - April 18, 2009

Jot Singh was the sole guest artist at the annual Sikh Centennial Foundation Gala. Some of the finest works ever created through Khalsa Kirpans were exhibited there - thanks to the generosity of those patrons who loaned their special Kirpans and swords.

A Unique Kirpan - Tribute to Darbar Sahib - offered at Darbar Sahib, Patna. January 2017

A London-based Sikh young man commissioned us to create a most wonderful kirpan. After encountering some financial hardship, we sold it for him and it became a sacred offering honoring the legacy of Guru Gobind Singh. Read some history on how and why this kirpan was initially created here.


The Sword of Baisakhi '99

This article shows and details the handwork on 'Sword of the Khalsa.' Jot Singh created the design with his teacher, the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan, forged the blade, fabricated the metal work, and coordinated all other aspects of the project, including the hand and laser engraving and finishing work.

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Auspicious Occasions and Presentations

For some years now in the summertime I’ve enjoyed attending, teaching and offering our symbolic jewelry and kirpans for sale at a Yoga Festival in France. Generally, after the Festival I’ll fly to the UK and do similar things through friends and acquaintances. On these UK visits I frequently enjoy sitting with Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia, a thoughtful and kind elder.....

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Presenting the Sword of Baisakhi '99

This tells the story of the 'Sword of the Khalsa', which was taken to India in 1999 for the Tricentennial Celebration of the 'Birth of the Khalsa', and offered by the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere at Keshgar Sahib Gurdwara in honor of Guru Gobind Singh and the first Sikh Amrit Ceremony (baptism) in 1699.

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