Guru Gobind Singh's legacy inspires our excellent Kirpans....

When we presented the most highly embellished sword we’ve ever created to Keshgar Sahib Gurdwara in Anandpur Sahib India in April ‘99, honoring the birth of the Khalsa, (which I was blessed to forge the blade of and fabricate the entire thing, with the assistance of numerous master artisans, engravers and two laser companies), a thought occurred to me. I wondered whether I might have been part of the 10th Master’s privileged chelas (devotees) and soldiers, defending truth and justice for all - back 300+ years ago in a previous lifetime?   

As a contemporary artisan/designer, knife, sword, kirpan and jewelry maker for 45 years now, who has embraced living as a Singh, a Khalsa and a martial artist for 51 years, I am humbled bringing forth the innovation, excellence and practicality we endeavor to bring to what we believe are the world’s finest kirpans, our artisan kirpans. 

These artisan kirpans are designed and conceived to fit perfectly in one’s hand, are assembled and finished superbly and are sharp and able to be used, if necessary, for self-defense purposes whether you might be standing up for yourself or for others….

I do believe blessings can and will arrive for us and others involved, when we have (or develop) the capacity and courage to stand up for others.

Numerous new designs are coming this year - here’s just a few…. and of course, these will be available with or without exquisite laser engraving.


 Noble lion Kirpans in three sizes and two colors....

Very curved Kirpans in three sizes - Colors to be determined....

Noble Lion Kirpan 2 - large size initially

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