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Larger Silver Radiance Khanda/Adi Shakti Pendants

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PRODUCT Medium large and large solid sterling silver gemstone and mother of pearl inset Radiance Khanda/Adi Shakti Pendants on gemstone necklaces or solid sterling silver chains

Medium large and large solid sterling silver gemstone and mother of pearl inset Radiance Khanda/Adi Shakti Pendants on gemstone necklaces or solid sterling silver chains. Pendants come in two sizes. All necklaces are between 16"/41cm and 17.5"/44cm long. Plain silver chains are 20"/51cm long. Need a longer chain or necklace let us know. 


16mm insert -  1.25 inches/ 3.2 cm high 

20mm insert -  1.56 inches/ 4 cm high 

Special offer: buy two or more get 25% off. Enter code: Radiance25 at check out with two or more of them in your cart.

Silver encourages self-containment and inward reflection. It provides one with patience and perserverance and can be a window to the Soul. It supports one's efforts to go within and explore the deepest aspects of the Self and Nature. It assists one in perceiving the truth behind surface appearances. It aids one in exploring the deep inner realms of emotion and intuition. It is a favorite of those who honor the feminine aspect of nature. Silver brings attunement to the emotional self. It can assist one in embracing mystery and surrendering to the unknown. Can aid in cooling excess heat in the body and bolster the immune system's ability to fight infection.

Amazonite is a stone of harmony, both within the self and among people. It is a truth-teller and a peacemaker, assisting one in communicating one's true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. This is the first step towards both inner and outer peace. The second step is activated by Amazonite's awakening of compassion through stimulation of the heart chakra (energy center in the body). Once one has expressed one's truth, it is necessary to assume the other person's point of view in order to achieve harmony, and Amazonite facilitates this. A similar process operates within oneself, as the competing factions of one's personality with their separate motivations and desires come to awareness through self-examination. Sleeping with Amazonite can bring these inner components into focus through the symbolism of dreams. Meditation with Amazonite makes everything more conscious, so one can listen to and integrate all aspects of the self. Because it is a stone of truth, one can trust the visions, dreams and intuitions that surface while working with Amazonite. Amazonite can also empower us in manifesting our dreams and desires. It is a magnifier of our intentions, and because it works through the throat chakra, these intentions must be spoken aloud. Holding an Amazonite while forcefully affirming aloud what one wishes to create can powerfully enhance one's ability to bring it into being. The power of the spoken word is a great and mystical thing—remember that Genesis affirms that the Universe was brought into being by the word of God. Amazonite teaches us to speak the truth and then assists us in making what we speak come true.

Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual protection, expansion and purification. It is an aid to meditation and can help to still one's thoughts. It can help curb overindulgence and assist one to give up unhealthy habits. It balances the nervous system and the brain. Amethyst builds a cocoon of light around one's aura or presence, creating a powerful resonant field that helps one remain clear and centered in the midst of negativity, while staying open to spiritual direction and intuitive information. 

Carnelian is usually smooth and often translucent, a durable stone and a dependable lifetime gem. Known to have electromagnetic properties to help ground the wearer, feeding energy directly through the skin, instilling a feeling of well-being and inflowing power. It assists one to take action to manifest their highest goals, dreams and destiny. In communication it helps timid speakers become both eloquent and bold. Gives courage. Helps overcome fear of taking action or fear of doing the wrong thing. A symbol of the warm, vitalizing and positive energy of the earth. When used in meditation it can help one understand how to bring a concept into being. Can assist those who procrastinate or are unable to decide on a course of action. It can lend physical vitality and energy to the body, personal power, creativity and compassion. 

Jade is prized for it's healing and protective qualities. It harmonizes and balances the heart, aiding in both emotional and physical well-being. It helps strengthen and soothe one's nervous system. It assists one in learning to enjoy physical life. It reminds one to "smell  the roses," touch someone you love, and share your abundant heart with others. Jade is good for attracting abundance and prosperity and for broadcasting peace and loving-kindness to all in one's surroundings. It helps one to receive Divine abundance on all levels and to share that abundance with others, in affirmations of plenty. Helps heal scarcity-mindedness, fear of money and poverty and other symptoms of belief in money as a measure of worth.

Kyanite is a stone of connection, of building bridges of Light between disparate aspects of experience. It can bridge energetic and emotional blocks between people and can help restructure mental energies and habits that keep one from moving to higher levels of learning. Kyanites power creates pathways of energy where before there were none. Kyanite can assist in negotiations, diplomatic missions, arbitration and other forms of communication between disharmonious people. It acts as an energetic bridge, allowing contrasting energies to gently move into resonance and find a common frequency. Kyanite allows one to forge their own unique path by bringing together ones various interests, skills and knowledge. This aids in seeing one’s unique mosaic of gifts and how they can be used for one’s Soul path on Earth in manifesting destiny. Kyanite initiates psychic ability, promotes communication with higher realms, and can assist in opening the 3rd eye during meditation and/or healing.

Labradorite transforms intuition into intellectual thought. May help provide patience and clarity of insight, and the dissipation of disturbing thoughts, instilling strength of peace. Enhances faith and self-reliance, and may help one to realize one's destiny. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the brain and to stimulate mental acuity while reducing anxiety. May assist in digestion, regulation, and metabolism. Has been used to clarify the eyes and encourage restful sleep.

Lapis Lazuli augments strength, vitality, mental clarity and illumination. It is associated with expansion of awareness and intellectual capacity, and allows for conscious attunement to the intuitive and psychic aspects of one's nature, as well as the powers of love and healing. It has been used in treatment of conditions related to lymph, inflammation, and pain (especially in/on the head). It supports the psyche and helps relax an overactive mind. Releases tension and anxiety. Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland, and stimulates emotional, mental and physical purity and clarity, supporting one's courage in activities culminating in the advancement towards universal wisdom. It assists in balancing the yin-yang energies.

Mother of Pearl enhances mental clarity, intuition, sensitivity, imagination, adaptability, cooperation. Helps those in need of loving care; calming and sedating in nature. Also associated with the powers of prosperity and protection.

Rainbow moonstone emanates great vitality, life force and exuberant joy. It offers the gifts of inner peace and harmony, emotional balance and strength, purification and transformation of negativity, as well as pychic protection. Rainbow moonstone facilitates the alignment and activation of all of the chakras (energy centers in the body,) while helping one maintain a centered and grounded presence. These gems are powerful healers of the emotional body. They are recommended for anyone who encounters daily stress or who carries old emotional wounds or grief. They aid one in kindling the inner light of the heart and Soul. 

Seraphinite is a gem that exhibits gorgeous silvery wings of light throughout a dark-green matrix. This stone is resonant with the realms ofthe angels—particularly those concerned with restoring the planet and humanity to a state of health and balance. Its high-frequency energy can stimulate the kundalini (subtle dormant energy) to rise up the spine, progressively activating each chakra (energy center in the body) along the way. Seraphinite can assist in clearing the genetic matrix of all outmoded patterns and tendencies. Seraphinite is a most effective stone for cellular regeneration. On a physical level, it seems to act like fertilizer on grass, causing a flush of pure healing energy. It is an excellent vehicle for discovering and processing disease related to other lifetimes. It is a directlink to accessing the energetic structure of the DNA and decoding the patterns there. It acts as a trigger, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, allowing new patterns to be created more easily. It is very useful for energetically supporting the heart and lungs, as well as for any systemic illnesses relating to cellular regeneration. Seraphinite stands alone as the premier healing stone of this age. It is the tool most suited to bringing the body into line with Light energy. It is ideal for those who feel disconnected from their physical selves, allowing them to understand the nature of physicality. Seraphinite's purpose is to bring Light into the body, expressing it through us as glowing health. It links the physical with the angelic levels of energy. It is a powerful stone for angelic and devic communication, assisting one in bringing healing to the body, mind, spirit and the earth. Seraphinite aids in releasing emotional energies that no longer serve. It brings enlightening, joyful energy to the emotional body and stimulates the flow and elasticity of one's energy, ensuring that one can react emotionally in a balanced and harmonious way.

White quartz helps purify our energies, thoughts and feelings. It helps with spiritual healing and can aid concentration.


The Khanda / Adi Shakti is a symbol of infinity.

It relates to primal creative power and has three parts to its design:

The Chakra is a circle, also a symbol of infinity and reminder that God’s infinite nature, has no beginning or end. To the extent one understands the creation as a reflection of the Creator, a circle can be seen to reflect the oneness and unity of mankind in essence, regardless of apparent differences of race, religion or gender.

The central Khanda is the double-edged dagger (in center), representing the straight and narrow path of righteousness, the razor’s edge that cuts both ways – in that what you do to others you are actually doing to your Self. In yogic terms, the khanda represents neutral mind – the ability to make non-reactive decisions.

The two Kirpans are curved single-edged knives on both sides of the symbol and represent the polarities that need to be balanced by neutrality: temporal and spiritual, negative and positive, etc. In yogic terms, these two kirpans represent the negative and positive minds. Guru Hargobind (one of the founders of Sikhism) wore two swords, signifying Miri – political or temporal power, and Piri – spiritual sovereignty.

As a creator of uplifting spiritual jewelry, we have focused on Shakti jewelry (personal empowerment jewelry) to meet the needs of a growing number of spiritually minded people who resonate with the concept of the Khanda / Adi Shakti symbol.

Jot Singh Khalsa ~ founder and chairman

Orders normally ship within 24-48 hours of receiving them. If you have requested blade etching on an Artisan Kirpan or “Song of the Khalsa" sword, we may need an extra day.

All jewelry/artful object orders of ‘in stock items’ ship within 24-48 hours. We will advise you within that time frame if we need a few more days to locate or assemble it or if the item is out of stock we’ll provide similar options for your consideration.

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