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Rainbow moonstone and pearl necklaces with Adi Shakti Talisman pendants

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Solid sterling silver rainbow moonstone and freshwater pearl necklaces with small (

Solid sterling silver rainbow moonstone and freshwater pearl necklaces with small (.75"/2cm diameter - set with 7mm gemstone) and extra small (.5"/1.3cm diameter - set with 5mm gemstone)Adi Shakti Talisman pendants some of them with selectively gold plated Adi Shaktis. The Talisman design is a circle of Adi Shakti (Khanda) symbols, which form sacred geometry. All gemstones and pearls are natural. Necklace length approx. 16"/40cm to 17.25"/44cm. Let us know if you need a longer length necklace chain.

A. Small rainbow moonstone Adi Shakti Talisman pendant with selectively gold plated Adi Shaktis on oval rainbow moonstone necklace.

B. Small rainbow moonstone Adi Shakti Talisman pendant on oval rainbow moonstone necklace.

C. Small rainbow moonstone Adi Shakti Talisman pendant on multi-stone small round rainbow moonstone necklace.

D. Small rainbow moonstone Adi Shakti Talisman pendant with selectively gold plated Adi Shaktis on multi-stone small round rainbow moonstone necklace.

E. Extra small rainbow moonstone Adi Shakti Talisman pendant on small round rainbow moonstone necklace.

F.Extra small rainbow moonstone Adi Shakti Talisman pendant with selectively gold plated Adi Shaktis on small round rainbow moonstone necklace.

G. Extra small freshwater pearl Adi Shakti Talisman pendant with selectively gold plated Adi Shaktis on small round freshwater pearl necklace.

Yogi Bhajan said of the Adi Shakti Talisman design 'it will assist those who wear it to meditate more deeply', which will provide protection and guidance.

A Talisman is an object which exercises positive influences over the wearer. It can help one avert negative circumstances, providing a constant protective power. It may also provide intuitive guidance and insights for the future.

Adi Shakti Talisman testimonials:

Hello Jot Singh,

I have been wearing the Adi Shakti Talisman pin pendant everyday and have had many compliments. Many are drawn to it. I have been able to meditate deeper, and in a sense reach the state of Shuniya (stillness) with more ease. I have been more stable, and am grateful to be able to project my radiance. Your jewelry seems very powerful and transformational. I respect what you do, am honored to be your friend and appreciate your words of advice and guidance. I m at a time where I am of need of that grounded wisdom. Thank you!

Siri Sadhana Kaur Chico, California, USA

Jot Singh,
Wearing a Talisman pendant has deepened my meditation and awakened aspects of reflection that have helped me to overcome obstacles in my spiritual and emotional growth. It also seems to be allowing me to become more of who I am destined to be. Through this piece I am able to recognize my own radiance, royalty and grace on a day-to-day basis. It serves as a reminder that I am the light of God and that the path I walk is graced with His love and guidance. I have found that as my time with this necklace has lengthened my relationship to it has changed. The stone (kyanite) has captured a part of my essence and I feel that it's able to communicate a bit of myself back to me during formal meditation as well as those brief moments of meditation throughout the day. It is an investment in my own progress on a spiritual path and I am very grateful for it!
Siri Chand Kaur Khalsa
Massachusetts - USA

Hello All,
I've been wearing an Adi Shakti Talisman pendant for a while now and am finding it very powerful in deepening my meditation. It seems to assist in cutting the thought patterns, allowing a 'laser beam' like focus of hearing my own repetitions of the mantras we use in meditation in Kundalini Yoga. This is what Yogi Bhajan said is 'all we have to do in meditation'. I'm grateful for this enhanced capacity to contemplate on the One!!
Jot Singh Khalsa - owner and founder of The Khalsa Raj Collection and Sikh minister - Millis, MA USA

Rainbow moonstone emanates great vitality, life force and exuberant joy. It offers the gifts of inner peace and harmony, emotional balance and strength, purification and transformation of negativity, as well as pychic protection. Rainbow moonstone facilitates the alignment and activation of all of the chakras (energy centers in the body,) while helping one maintain a centered and grounded presence. These gems are powerful healers of the emotional body. They are recommended for anyone who encounters daily stress or who carries old emotional wounds or grief. They aid one in kindling the inner light of the heart and Soul.

Silver encourages self-containment and inward reflection. It provides one with patience and perserverance and can be a window to the Soul. It supports one's efforts to go within and explore the deepest aspects of the Self and Nature. It assists one in perceiving the truth behind surface appearances. It aids one in exploring the deep inner realms of emotion and intuition. It is a favorite of those who honor the feminine aspect of nature. Silver brings attunement to the emotional self. It can assist one in embracing mystery and surrendering to the unknown. Can aid in cooling excess heat in the body and bolster the immune systems ability to fight infection.

Gold revitalizes one's physical energies and magnifies the power of most gemstones. It supports openness and integrity and builds confidence in the wearer. It is related to worldly knowlege and an understanding of manifestation. It carries the energy of the Sun, stimulating one's will to grow and stretch beyond one's current experiences. Gold can assist one in overcoming paralysis and fear, allowing one to move through difficult circumstances. It evokes strength, determination and will and can augment low physical vitality and depressive tendencies.